PC PS4 Online | CGC | F1

Amamos la velocidad y la competición, pero por encima de todo nos une el compañerismo, el compromiso y el fairplay

Richard Burns Rally, considerado por muchos como uno de los simuladores de carreras más difíciles y realistas Visita la página oficial del juego Gran Turismo Visita la página oficial del juego de Formula 1 La máquina del tiempo... Formula 1, la competición más apasionante del mundo Visitar la web de Playstation Network, la plataforma de juegos online de Sony Gran Turismo, la saga de videojuegos de carreras legendaria de Playstation La competición cronometrada por antonomasia del automovilismo

CGC's letter to Codemasters F1 2010

Dear Steve Hood and Codemasters,

Are you going to fix the bugs that you have left? Our grids consist now of 11 cars, since no one wants to suffer the Force India bugs. This car can loss between 5 and 20 seconds at each stop. But there's more. Who just overlaped 4 timess listed as withdrawn (retired).

It's a shame. A game as old as the F1CE was better to organize an online tournament especially because the better management of password rooms and because the results will appear onscreen without the need to move the cursor, making it necessary to take two photos before no one will give the Continue button. But why not avoid taking photos? In these times of Internet and Web 2.0 with all the racing community is incomprehensible that really pay the attention it deserves online mode. Dedicated servers invitation with passwords, rss results, timing and game data accessible via the web. We all love F1 but we all no get fun passing an IA on each braking. Our passion ignites fighting side by side with our opponents and teammates, but getting there requires that the online mode has been created just for those needs.

After many expectations from the F1 2010 we are deeply disappointed to see your resistance to provide solutions to these problems and we believe that without a change in attitude, the prestige of Codemasters will decrease as sales of F1 2011. Please react!

Signed: www.CampeonatosGuillemCaldes.com tournament organizers, the biggest community of PS3 F1 online championship in Spain.